The International Day of Mathematics (IDM) is a worldwide celebration. Each year on March 14 all countries are invited to participate through activities for both students and the general public in schools, museums, libraries and other spaces. 

The proclamation of March 14 as the International Day of Mathematics was adopted by the Executive Council of UNESCO at its 205th session. The International Day of Mathematics is a project led by the International Mathematical Union , with a new theme every year. The theme for 2024 is Playing with Math! 

You can find out more about The International Day of Mathematics at

We have a wide range of both in-person Maths workshops and Maths teaching resource days which allow you to deliver your own Creative Maths Day! read on for more information ...

All of our Primary maths workshops have been carefully designed to both put into context and actively promote the three keystones of the National Curriculum: fluencyreasoning and problem solving.

Situated in “fictional worlds”, our secondary school workshops offer opportunities to practice skills with numbers, shapes and concepts in exciting, imaginative and interactive ways.

Alongside our work in mainstream education, we have been working with Special Schools since 2008, tailoring workshops to meet the huge range of needs catered for by the sector.

Exciting Maths Activity Days for up to 240 Secondary School students! 


Whole-school immersive learning at your fingertips! Jump into our Extraordinary Worlds and discover everything you need for a whole series of exciting and immersive whole-school, thematic WOW days – all firmly rooted in the curriculum

The search is on for the UK's next astronaut – and Major Tom wants your pupils' help in selecting the best person for the job. They've found six well-suited candidates, all with different qualifications – but it’s up to you to decide which one will win The Race into Space! 

Through sheer head work, Trevi Times made his dream come true – by opening his own Italian restaurant, Times’ Tables Trattoria! But with his team of chefs wasting too much food (and spending too much money), that dream is on the verge of turning into a nightmare.

With a clear focus on concepts of measurement and featuring a concrete maths challenge, acclaimed Egyptologist “Dr Colorado Smith” needs your pupils help to solve a 3,000 year old puzzle!

In his Times Tables Trattoria Itallian restaurant, Trevi's team of chefs wasting too much food (and spending too much money), that dream is on the verge of turning into a nightmare!