Specially developed to promote conversations and laughter around learning (in the past, the present and the future), skills and values. 

Workshop Description

As your Year 6s prepare for the next phase of their lives, this workshop offers them space to reflect on what they’ve gained from primary school and what they’re looking forward to about secondary school - all while creating a tangible legacy. This poignant yet inspiring workshop will use a range of drama activities to support them in both reflecting on their time at primary school and look forward to life in Year 7 – then support them in encapsulating all this in their own, very personal poems. And we’ve chosen the structure of the cinquaine especially for the programme – as it actively models ideas of growth.

Outcomes: teamwork, reflection, understanding of the relationship between form and function in poetic structures.

Cross-Curricular Links: literacy, drama, PSHE.

"Thanks for your energy and enthusiasm – were really looking forward to the final performance" Year 6 teacher, Mosspits Primary School

Y6/ P7
Year 6 classes
Hall Space


How many pupils can take part?
What is the format of the day?

The day starts with a whole-school assembly where pupils will learn the 'chorus' of the poem. We will work with you to plan a timetable for the workshops, to suit the number of classes you would like to include - and around the specific timings of your school day. It might look something like this:

09.00 – 09.20: Whole-school assembly, to introduce the day…

09.20 – 9.55: Year 1 stay in the hall for their workshop …

9.55 – 10.30: Year 2 come to the hall for their workshop …

10.30 – 11.05: Year 3 come to the hall for their workshop …

11.05 – 11.30: One Reception class have a visit, in their own setting …

11.30 – 11.55: The other Reception class have a visit, in their own setting …


1.00 – 1.40: Year 4 come to the hall for their workshop …

1.40 – 2.20: Year 5 come to the hall for their workshop …

2.20 – 3.00: Year 6 come to the hall for their workshop.

3.00 – 3.15: Closing assembly where the finished poems are performed.

Are there any technical requirements?

Your visitor will need access to a laptop/ screen/projector set up in the working space.

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