From the Big Draw to World Book Day and from Holocaust Memorial Day to National Science and Engineering Week, seasonal landmarks can be a great planning aid. The Seasonal Landmarks School Calendar marks some of the most useful “days” and “weeks” from September 2016 to July 2017. Not only that, but, because we’ve included links to relevant websites, it also gives you access to some brilliant ideas and resources!

Download the Seasonal Landmarks Calendar here

You can download it to your desktop for easy access. But there are lots of other ways you can use it too …▪

▪               Use it as a planning tool with your colleagues to develop some really exciting assemblies and sharing events.

▪               Print it off for your classroom – and add children’s birthdays and other dates that apply particularly to your school (the Christmas Show, perhaps, or your Leavers’ Assembly).

▪               Ask the young people you teach what other dates they think should be up there – and add them on.

There must be a million and one other ways of using the calendar that we haven’t even thought of – and we’d love to hear more about how you use it. You can let us know by emailing us at or tweet us @ascreatives.