Always rooted in real and concrete science and taking their lead from the Curriculum, our Science Workshops for primary schools across the UK provide an excellent way of engaging students with science and supporting them in understanding the world (and worlds) around them.
Delivered by practitioners who are passionate about science, these exciting programmes use age-appropriate, drama-based approaches to cement existing learning, clarify difficult concepts, challenge thinking and introduce new content.
We know how complex delivering whole-school approaches to science can be, so you can now book a Big Science Day for a number of year groups, comprising either different workshops exploring a number of topics - or a range of age-differentiated activities on a single scientific theme!
"A huge thank you from all the staff at EPS for yesterday's workshops. I've had such good feedback from everyone. The children absolutely loved the (Science Skills) sessions and I'm sure will have taken a lot from them. We had a great day and I've picked up lots of ideas myself so thank you." Ellesmere Primary
"Each workshop was tailor-made for specific ages so that the whole school was reached and could access the activities. Learning about Scientists and Inventors through Drama meant that this important part of the curriculum was delivered in an engaging way – a part of the curriculum that can sometimes be a little dry. I liked the focus on smashing stereotypes – part of the theme of Science Week and really great for our children to find out about a diverse range of pioneers in Science.” Burnt Oak Primary
Deliver your own whole-school Science day by downloading a teaching pack from - including; The Science of Change (coming soon for British Science Week 2025), Time for Science, The Connection, Growing for Gold and Innovation and Beyond.
British Science Week 2025
British Science Week (BSW) is a ten-day programme of science, technology, engineering and maths events and activities across the UK for people of all ages. Find out more at
Science Assemblies
Assemblies are a great way, of course, of both generating a buzz around school and sowing the seeds for a shared experience, so we're happy to lead interactive and entertaining whole-school assemblies at the start of a day of any of our science programmes - and all at no extra cost!
"We had high expectations and you didn't' disappoint. Jackson was an excellent provider and presenter - he was upbeat and professional, working with staff and children to really fit in with our day. I would highly recommend using As Creatives to any school, the flexibility of the sessions, the way that they could be tailored to our needs, both in curriculum terms and age group was exemplary. It is so hard to find providers of good curriculum focussed activities for the younger children which isn't simply based on music and movement. Thankyou." Science Day, Leicester Grammar Junior School
Book a Science Workshop
If you are interested in hosting an As Creative Science workshop as part of your British Science Week 2025 event, or at anytime throughout the school year, you will find information about all of our programme below, including our British Science Week 2025 Programme - The Science of Change!
The Science of Change! – British Science Week 2025 – In-Person
The Science of Change! – British Science Week 2025 – Teaching Resource
(no title)
Science Week Ireland – The Regeneration Generation – Saving Planet Earth!
The Connection
Science Skills
Big Science Day
What a Wonderful World
The Best of British Women in STEM
Space Science and Climate Change
Big Outdoor Science Day!
Messages from Space
Science: The Great Christmas Science Quiz
Exploring the World of Explorers
Space Pirates!
The Women of Space
Exploring Evolution
Fossil Hunters!
Making Sense of Sound
CSI: Rollercoaster
The Story of Flight
Journeys into Space
Time Travel Tourist – the Apollo Adventurers
Expect the Unexpected!
The Electric City
Innovation and Beyond
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