Always rooted in real and concrete science and taking their lead from the Curriculum - but taking approaches from the world of the arts - our  Science workshops for primary schools in Scotland (P1 - P7) provide an excellent way of engaging students with science and supporting them in understanding the world (and worlds) around them. 

Delivered by practitioners who are passionate about science, these exciting programmes use drama-based approaches to cement existing learning, clarify difficult concepts, challenge thinking and introduce new content.

We know how complex delivering whole-school approaches to science can be, so you can now book a Big Science Day for a number of year groups, comprising either different workshops exploring a number of topics - or a range of age-differentiated activities on a single scientific theme!


The Science of Change! - British Science Week 2025 - In-Person

The Science of Change! – British Science Week 2025 – In-Person

The ability to adapt to changing conditions is the key to long term survival – from plants to mammals to
A World of Brains – Celebrating Neurodivergence!

A World of Brains – Celebrating Neurodivergence!

There are eight billion (eight billion!) human brains on Planet Earth – yet not one of them is the same.
The Great Brain Machine

The Great Brain Machine

A human brain makes up less than 2% of our total body weight, yet it controls absolutely everything we do
The Best of British Women in STEM

The Best of British Women in STEM

Celebrate International Women’s Day with The Best of British Women in STEM, a drama-based workshop bringing to life the achievements
The Science of Change! - British Science Week 2025 - Teaching Resource

The Science of Change! – British Science Week 2025 – Teaching Resource

The ability to adapt to changing conditions is the key to long term survival – from plants to mammals to
Time for Science British Science Week School Workshops

(no title)

The Science of Change Host an epic As Creatives Science Day for British Science Week 2025 with an in-person school
The Science of Change! - British Science Week 2025 - Secondary Schools

The Science of Change! – British Science Week 2025 – Secondary Schools

Developed to tie in with “Adapt and Change”, the theme for British Science Week 2025, The Science of Change opens
Science Week Ireland - The Regeneration Generation – Saving Planet Earth!

Science Week Ireland – The Regeneration Generation – Saving Planet Earth!

The children and young people of today form the Regeneration Generation. Because, by learning from the errors of the past,
The Connection

The Connection

The Connection places science, engineering and technology firmly in context by exploring the lives, achievements and legacies of individuals whose
Science Skills

Science Skills

Creating a “buzz” about Science Investigation – through drama! Workshop Description What skills does a Science Investigator need – and
Big Science Day

Big Science Day

A Big Science Day can accommodate up-to the whole of a two-form entry school in one day. Following an opening
What a Wonderful World

What a Wonderful World

High-energy and fact-packed - and accommodating up to 420 pupils in a single day! Workshop Description This highly engaging,
Space Science and Climate Change

Space Science and Climate Change

What exactly is going on with the Earth’s climate? What’s causing this – and how can space science help? Workshop
Big Outdoor Science Day!

Big Outdoor Science Day!

Our Big Outdoor Science Day doesn’t just explore aspects of outdoor science – it takes your pupils outdoors, too! Workshop
CSI: Periodic Table

CSI: Periodic Table

A challenging mystery to engage your students with chemistry! Workshop Description One of the deadliest stable chemical elements, arsenic was
Messages from Space

Messages from Space

What do we know about Neptune? What’s the science of Saturn? And what's our understanding of Uranus? "The workshops were
Science: The Great Christmas Science Quiz

Science: The Great Christmas Science Quiz

A great way for pupils to learn and remember some seasonal science - up to fourteen classes in a single
Exploring the World of Explorers

Exploring the World of Explorers

From Leif Erikson to Neil Armstrong, this workshop introduces KS1 /P1 - P3 pupils to some landmark people and moments
Space Pirates! 

Space Pirates! 

From proto-stars to black holes – an interactive exploration of the life cycles of stars! Workshop Description Our travelling pirate,
The Women of Space 

The Women of Space 

This series of age-differentiated, lively, engaging and fact-packed workshops brings to life a few of the many women who have
Exploring Evolution 

Exploring Evolution 

Most of us take Darwin's ideas of natural selection, and the theory that all life is in a constant state
Fossil Hunters!

Fossil Hunters!

What is the “fossil record”? How can an understanding of the differences between igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks help us
Making Sense of Sound

Making Sense of Sound

An active investigation of the science of sound – with acoustic high jinks! Workshop Description This highly active drama-based workshop
CSI: Rollercoaster

CSI: Rollercoaster

How do different forces operate – and what do they actually do? "The main reason for the workshop was to
The Story of Flight 

The Story of Flight 

Looking at ways that Science Investigators have helped humankind fulfill its dream of taking to the skies! Workshop Description Discover
Journeys into Space

Journeys into Space

It's more than fifty years since the first humans walked on the moon – and Journeys into Space allows up
Time Travel Tourist - the Apollo Adventurers

Time Travel Tourist – the Apollo Adventurers

It was in July 1969 that Neil Armstrong stepped onto the lunar landscape and uttered the famous words, "That's one
Expect the Unexpected!

Expect the Unexpected!

Building on some of the scientific happy accidents that have resulted in household names – and the power of science
The Electric City 

The Electric City 

The Electric City brings electricity to life through a mix of drama, games and metaphor. It is available as both
Innovation and Beyond

Innovation and Beyond

An exciting and engaging way to explore Seven Innovations That Have Changed the World – and some lesser sung heroes