Our Family Maths workshops are designed to provide a fun environment in which parents/carers can work with their children in exploring why maths is important, what maths means in the 21st century - and how easy it is to find everyday opportunities to indulge in mathematical challenges.

Our Family Maths Workshops are available as both In-person sessions and also as a Digital Package - allowing you to share all of the resources with the parents / carers within your school community. 

Family Maths Digital Package: Maths in Everyday Life – comprising a range of challenges for all the family, exploring ways in which we use maths all the time, without ever really thinking about it – and demonstrating just how easy it is to use almost any family activity as a springboard for a quick maths challenge. View some of the sample resources here.

Family Maths

Family Maths

Taking a experiential approach, our immersive Family Maths workshops uncover the meaning and importance of the three keystones of the Curriculum: fluency, reasoning and problem solving. They allow parents/carers to appreciate the joy of working alongside their children - and give the children opportunities to teach their families some of the mathematical strategies that they employ in school.

"I wanted to say a huge thank you for the wonderful Race into Space day and Family Maths session that you delivered at St. Peter’s during our Maths week. It was a real highlight of the week. The children, parents and staff really enjoyed and got so much out of it." (St Peter's Primary, Stockport)

Family Maths workshops require a minimum of 45 minutes (although we always prefer longer, if parents/carers can be persuaded to stay). And although they normally take the form of Twilight sessions, we're happy to integrate them into the school day, where teachers feel this approach will boost take-up. They have been designed to cater for families with children from EYFS to Year 6 (P1 - P7) in a single sitting - but can also be tailored to meet the needs of specific cohorts. The only limitation on numbers is that imposed by the size of the working space - and we provide beautifully designed and carefully worded invitations to be circulated among families.  And, if it helps, we can even help you evaluate the impacts of the sessions!

At Park Grove Primary School in Antrim, Northern Ireland, parents relished the chance to learn from their children, reflecting on the fact that Maths had "moved on" since they were at school themselves. At South Grove Primary school in Walthamstow (in a programme funded by the Mayor of London), parents gave up part of their Saturday to both take part in an Outdoor Maths Trail and design new activities that would live on long after their children had left the school. A packed Family Maths event at Kington School in Wales saw parents delighted to discover exactly what "fluency", "reasoning" and "problem-solving" mean - while a session at Glebefields Primary, Wolverhampton, allowed parents to meet the school's new Pupil Maths Ambassadors (after the Ambassadors had spent the afternoon in a training session with us). 100% of parents/carers at a Family Workshop at Struthers Primary, Scotland, said they "really enjoyed" the session - with a whopping 97% reporting that they now had "lots of ideas for things to try at home"!

Family Maths workshops are available all year round - and you can book your session for any day of the week (including weekends). There's a substantial discount, though, if your session comes at the end of (or is integrated within) a day of workshops with your pupils.   

See our Family Maths Workshops in action!


View all of our Primary Maths workshops here

View all of our Primary Maths workshops for schools in Scotland here

View all of our Primary Maths workshops for schools in Ireland here

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