After delivering an interactive whole-school INSET exploring the Davies Review of Enterprise Education and looking at enterprise skills, we worked closely with twelve teachers to investigate ways of incorporating enterprise across the curriculum.
Following more in-depth examinations of “enterprise in action”, these Enterprise Ambassadors undertook small scale action research projects tracking the impacts on students of identified techniques and methodologies. Ranging from positively promoting resilience in MFL to encouraging problem solving in DT to challenging stereotypes in RE, these all proved highly successful.
A booklet was produced for use by all staff, whilst each of the Ambassadors shared their learning in more depth with their own faculties. And, in a move towards sustainability, the first cohort of Ambassadors went on to train a second themselves!
“The atmosphere in the classroom has completely changed – the students don’t complain of ‘being stuck’ so much and are much better at independent learning!” (Enterprise Ambassador – MFL)
“This has been a really successful programme – so much so that ‘enterprise’ is now always timetabled into faculty meetings!” (Director of Enterprise Learning)
Our Enterprise Workshops
You can find out more about our Enterprise programmes here.
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Global Entrepreneurship Week takes place in November - find out more here.
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