Developed to support children in understanding that “world views” are not always tied to religion or spirituality and to explore some wider world views, this whole-school programme can accommodate the whole of up to a two-form entry school in a single day. Events start with an opening, interactive assembly investigating what we mean by “world views” and how the concept links in to humanity itself – followed by workshops for each year group.
EYFS: Humanism and the idea of the “Happy Human”.
Year 1: Humanism and the concept of “The One Life”.
Year 2: The four corner stones of Humanism.
Year 3: Pacifism and pacifists (with a reference to John Lennon) – from those who protest against war to those willing to go to gaol for their beliefs.
Year 4: Ethical Veganism (with a reference to Thandie Newton) – comparing and contrasting this with both vegetarianism and veganism.
Year 5: The principles of Altruism (with a reference to Queen Camilla) – and an exploration of how altruism works.
Year 6: Hedonism – both “ethical” and “utilitarian” (with a reference to Oscar Wilde) – and an investigation of the evolutionary impacts of hedonism.
Year 6: Hopes for VE Day … what did people hope the world would be like after VE Day? Did those dreams come true?
There are no costumes, props or artefacts in a Big History Day. Instead, everything is achieved through age-appropriate drama-based activities, imagination - and, of course, lots of historical content!
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A Visit from Florence Nightingale
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